gratuitious shagging to ween is not as bad as you think it would be.

i had a boyfriend once who loved ween and they might be giants. and devo. and slint. he loved them a whole lot.
we would spend days in bed, stoned as bitches or shrooming like hell while he played the same five goddamn cd's because he was too fucked (oh snap!) to get up and change them and i couldn't work his matchsticks and folded up bits of paper cd changer. cheap bastard spending all your money on drugs and not on an ipod you call yourself a hipster.
i have to admit after about the seventh time round, ween on shrooms actually starts to make sense. you start to find a religious core to it and you want to be a part of that core cause you think you can find enlightenment there so you start listening really hard and you end up giving yourself a listening-really-hard headache.
man, i wanna do some shrooms now. i'd be all like dude i'm having a very serious relationship with this wall what are you doing? and you'd be like oh i am in texas and there are some horses out of the window you should come see this one of them is an apaloosa. and then i'd be all no i need some time with my wall, do you know about the complexities of this woodchip they are telling me that they've loved me since i walked into the room.
and so on.
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